sacrifice- a necessary component of racial unity

Racial unity requires more than mere words; it demands sacrificial actions. As Christians, we are called to follow Christ’s example of selflessness. Scripture tells us that Christ “Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:2).” We are called to walk in the way of love just as He did.

Racial unity in the Church begins with love. Christ’s love transcends racial boundaries. We, too, must walk in love, seeking the well-being of others even when they don’t look like us or have our cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds. Jesus willingly surrendered His life for us. Sacrifice involves letting go of our own comfort, privilege, and biases for the sake of others. It means surrendering or even destroying something for the sake or purpose of someone or something else. Sacrifice is a big deal. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us, and He did so out of His love for us. We are compelled to exercise this same love unconditionally.

Sacrifice involves humility. It means prioritizing others’ needs, listening to their stories, and advocating for justice when needed. As we seek racial unity, we should embrace sacrificial love. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. May our actions reflect Christ’s sacrifice, bridging divides to bring the Church together.


service: a necessary component of racial unity


president’s day and godly authority