The Holy Spirit Shows Us the truth

Jesus left us the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) to lead and guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit speaks under Christ’s authority. If racial unity is occur, we need the absolute truth. In an age of fake news, conspiracies, people living their own truth, alternate facts, and the questioning of reality, we need now more than ever the Holy Spirit to show us THE truth.

We should note that the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into deeper understanding. As third person of the Trinity, He doesn’t just provide information; he guides us into the fullness of truth, never contradicting Scripture.

He gives us revelation. He searches the depths of God, allowing us to grasp spiritual truths (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). He gives us power for living (Acts 1:8). And He enlightens our hearts with wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17-18).

Racial unity in the Church will not stand on a faulty foundation of half truths and misconceptions. Nor will it stand on blatant lies or hypocrisy. The sure foundation of the Church must be established in the Absolute Truth, the Holy Spirit. This truth through Christ is needed and necessary to bring the Church together.


Using Jesus As our example


Do I love me more?