The Need for humility

Racial unity is a noble pursuit, but it requires more than good intentions. It demands intentional actions and a willingness to learn. One essential quality that fosters unity is humility. Oxford Dictionary defines humility as “a modest view of one’s own importance.” Colossians 3:12 notes “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”

This verse reminds us that humility is not weakness; it’s strength under control. Let’s break down its implications. First, consider compassionate hearts: humility begins with empathy. When we genuinely care about others’ experiences, we open our hearts to understanding their struggles. Next, consider kindness: humility expresses itself in acts of kindness. It’s the willingness to extend grace and compassion, even when it’s inconvenient.

There’s also meekness: meekness doesn’t mean passivity; it’s strength harnessed for the greater good. Humble individuals seek to create unity rather than dominate. And finally, there’s patience. As discussed previously, unity takes time. Humility allows us to bear with one another patiently, especially when cultural differences, wrongdoings, or misunderstandings arise.

Humility allows us to put aside personal agendas and work together for a common goal. As we pursue racial unity, let’s embrace humility. It’s not about being less than; it’s about lifting others up. May our hearts be tender, our actions kind, and our commitment to racial unity be unwavering.


The need for patience


Am I willing to repent?