The need for patience

When it comes to cultivating unity, one aspect required is patience. Patience is the glue that holds unity together. We define patience as “the capacity to tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset (Oxford Dictionary). The first half of that definition seems bearable. It’s the second half of that definition that gives us heartburn.

Paul encourages the Church at Ephesus to remain unified “…with patience, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)." It’s not easy being patient. It means waiting on someone else. Patience means you’re having to be okay with being late or behind schedule. It means dealing with difficulties or problems that you otherwise wouldn’t deal with. It means allowing for distress, pain, or misery that you otherwise wouldn’t.

We’re called to bear with one another in love. This means accepting each other’s flaws, forgiving mistakes, and extending grace. Think about the relationship attempts within the Body of Christ toward unity you allowed to die because you weren’t willing to be patient. Embrace the process instead, knowing that the reward is a Church that reflects the unity Christ is calling for (John 17:20-26).


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